Sunday, May 8, 2011

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  • Phil A.
    Aug 29, 04:00 PM
    Well that's more to do with Blair being uninformed and making decisions because he likes to sound better than he is. If Blair hadn't been a pillock and stuck to the realistic, achievable timeline that everyone else stuck to, then it would have been achievable. Why he said we'd double those targets is beyond most people except the monkey labour spin doctor that suggested it.

    What the Greenpeace report is saying, is that Apple don't even have a strategy (timeline) for restricting material use (bar legal restrictions) and that is a black mark for the company when compared to a company that does. it's doing what it has to do, not what it should be doing if it wants to be considered the best. Dell is similar to this but is further along.

    This is also related to Apple's almost nazi-like paranoia about secrecy which is harming its reputation on several fronts.

    As has already been asked on this thread, why couldn't Apple release details of all the materials is uses or equivalent detail to other manufacturers? Why couldn't it be pro-active and understand the impact it could have (like putting it up at the top of this report)? perhaps because it's not actually as all conquering/superior and clever as it likes people to think?

    I completely agree that a company that has a timeline for implementing change should be marked higher than one that says "we'll do it" but gives no dates. I still maintain, however, that companies should not be given full marks until they've actually delivered on their promises - at the present moment neither company is actually doing anything to protect the environment in those areas

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  • Draythor
    Apr 13, 03:14 PM
    I'm sure this has been mentioned.

    Connecting other hard drives. I'm only able to read from most (windows) drives.

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 10:13 PM
    no, i haven't been "infringed" by something lol.

    i said the ahmadiyyah, a religious minority, are persecuted in indonesia. you said they're not muslims, as if that justifies their persecution.

    do you understand now?

    Erm, nope - not abuse - infringed by religion.

    You didn't mention Indonesia.

    Nothing justifies persecution, nor does belief in a religion :)

    Right, I'm off to catch a flight home.

    Cya laters!

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  • carey price helmet heritage.

  • Huntn
    Mar 13, 05:53 PM
    It's the cleanest and usually the safest type of electricity available that can produce energy on a large scale.

    When there are no accidents it is a good source of power except for the incredibly toxic waste. Murphy's Law says there must be accidents and unforeseen events.

    There are inherent risks with nuclear power and there is the waste issue yet to be solved. But likewise, there are risks for other types of power, whether it's gas, oil, coal or even hydroelectric. Choose your poison.

    Speaking of poison- ten thousand barrels of radioactive waste with a half life of 1000 years... Who gets to keep that in their backyard? I'd say launch it into space, but then have visions of a rocket malfunction requiring explosive detonation.

    Granted in the history of nuke power, there has only been one worse case scenarios, but that one was a doozy. Sure they say it can never happen but when a coal fired plant blows up it does not contaminate 4000 square miles. This makes nuclear power both wonderful and terrifying at the same time, because we all know accidents must happen. The question is how long and how big will the worst of those accidents be? Personally I'd look for other green not yellow solutions.

    I've read in Russia, there are areas with posted signs that say something to the effect of "Roll Up Your Windows and Drive as Fast as You can for the Next 50 miles"... Read about Chernobyl here (

    carey price helmet heritage. carey price helmet heritage.
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  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 09:09 AM
    Kudos for looking for something (seriously) -- I'd argue that it's a bit limited in scope, though:
    -Limited to America
    -Limited to adults
    -Calculating by household, with strictly boolean "yes or no" (not counting multiples)

    For example, in my house, we have 4 laptops and 1 desktop machine, but for this survey, it would only be counted as "yes" for both. Actually, it wouldn't be counted at all, since we're in England ;-)

    True it is limited to to americas, but I would argue(without any real evidence) that americans in general have more disposable income to afford laptops(which are generally more expensive than desktops.) So i would guess the market for desktop is EVEN BIGGER outside the US.

    Limited to adult is true.

    Yes/no answer is true also, but the same can be said about households with 4 desktops and 1 laptop ;).

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  • Tommyg117
    Sep 21, 08:50 AM
    I'm really excited for this. I can't wait to get it in my hands and experiment.

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 02:15 PM
    Can anyone tell me the purpose of dual drive slots nowadays? I can see the use for them (and had computers with) when they were limited to one function, i.e. DVD-ROM for one and a CD-RW for the other but now that everything can happen in one drive with speed not being an issue, is it really nececcary to have two?Burn two DVD's at once and DVD copying.

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  • carlos700
    Oct 25, 10:31 PM
    No, not really. This would be the only fast update, if it happens (which I kinda doubt)
    iMac: 9 months
    MBP: 10 months
    mac mini: 8 months
    macbook: 5 months and counting

    Those are actually wait times that are comparable or longer to what we saw in PPC days.

    In all fairness, the MacBook Pro received two minor speed updates:
    1>> 1.67GHz / 1.83GHz to 1.83GHz / 2.0GHz
    2>> 1.83GHz / 2.0GHz to 2.0GHz / 2.16GHz

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 10:01 AM
    I don't agree. If those groups got organized, their message would eventually get picked up my the media. It's not like LGBT groups were started last weekend and, bam, the media picked up on it. It took decades for them to get to this point of media attention.

    And I agree with Heilage: the message from the video doesn't only apply to LGBT folk.

    Got organized? Like that sad attempt at a "Fat Acceptance" movement? News flash - nobody likes fat people because they are seen as ugly and gross. Find me a single obesity related story on the news that isn't accompanied by B-roll of headless fat bodies walking around the city holding ice cream cones.

    Imagine if every time a gay related story were on the news they showed B-roll of men in darkened gay theaters and closeups of prescription labels for antiretrovirals.

    carey price helmet heritage. carey price helmet heritage.
  • carey price helmet heritage.

  • lighthouse_man
    Apr 13, 03:01 AM
    Why are you people comparing one app price tag to the whole suite price tag? For all we know, all the suite apps will be released individually and will total what the full suite now costs.

    carey price helmet heritage. carey price mask heritage.
  • carey price mask heritage.

  • jbgh
    Mar 18, 09:07 AM
    Forcibly changing my plan with zero evidence of anything is illegal and they will pay for it. Tme to start blasting them on Facebook, twitter, everywhere possible.

    yeah that'll get them...

    carey price helmet heritage. (51 views) carey-price
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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 09:56 PM
    How many people became atheist because of religion? Or have their atheistic views strengthened as a result of religion?

    Hello!!! Me!! Me!! Been there, done that. :p

    Then tell them that they're not true believers.

    I would not presume to tell them anything. And I expect the same consideration in return.

    carey price helmet heritage. carey price mask heritage.
  • carey price mask heritage.

  • storage
    Jul 12, 05:22 PM
    23" Matteblack Conroe iMac
    Matteblack Bluetooth Might Mouse
    Matteblack Bluetooth Keyboard

    PLEASE :mad:

    carey price helmet heritage. carey price mask heritage
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  • triceretops
    Apr 28, 12:32 PM
    I'm sure if you rated all the companies on profit, Apple would be #1. Apple's margins are better.:)

    carey price helmet heritage. carey price helmet heritage.
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  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 10:55 AM

    So you are OK with the whole Ex-Gay thing?
    And before you become over-wrought again, I am just reading what you wrote in reply to WestonHarvey1's post (… where he says he suspects you might be sympathetic to the ex-gay "cause". A post which you then labelled Best. Post. Ever.

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  • puma1552
    Mar 14, 01:25 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    You have nothing with no wind.

    Even if wind farms were 100% efficient, they don't hold a candle to nuclear output.

    Besides, we don't have room here in Japan for wind farms so it makes no difference.

    Alternative energy is not a viable source everywhere in the world, plain and simple. That's all I'm saying.

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  • carey price mask heritage

  • BenRoethig
    Oct 26, 07:19 AM
    If the pricing is any indication, the (low end) Quad Core 2.33GHz Clovertown is the same price as the (high end) 3.0GHz Dual-core Xeon...

    so unless the bottom of the line Mac Pro is expected to start at $3298, the current Dual-Core Xeon Mac Pros will stick around.


    Then again, the way Apple's pro segment machines have been going up in both power and price...

    carey price helmet heritage. carey price mask heritage.
  • carey price mask heritage.

  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 05:31 PM

    You should try those tests with some of the compiler flags that I used in my post a few posts up, which I have been editing.

    Right now I am looking at the assembly that gcc is generating. It looks like gcc gets the answer in a very strange way.

    One more question i have for you while you are responding: What you suggested may very well be accurate, the compiler is making some really poor decisions, however if this were the case, what about javac?
    I don't have an answer to that at this time, but it seems to me that we are looking at different quality of JVM's. I could see a P4 beat a G4 by a fair amount, but lets be realistic... the G4 is not so slow as the numbers here have been suggesting.

    I wish I knew some PPC assembly. :) I would code up some stuff for that too, and I bet the nubmer of registers would help a lot. Registers are great for loop unrolling.

    Anyway, some time ago you asked how the G4 has better scalar units than the G3. Basically the FP units are similar but the G4 unit has a lower instruction latency when doing double precision (in the G3 doubles take one more cycle than singles, on the G4 they are the same). Also, the G4 has 4 integer units where the G3 has only two. This is not always useful, but in this problem if I could do PPC assembly I could easily overwelm all 4 of them.

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  • carey price helmet heritage.

  • ChocolateOne
    Jun 4, 09:57 PM
    Not sure this is a good test...

    I'm beginning to see that while ATT is the bigger culprit, the iphone itself may play a role in what happens with dropped calls...

    My service (as is well documented in these forums) at home was/is terrible.

    I recently purchased the microcell, from ATT, and I can now make calls in my house!! Except, when I move exactly 20 feet away from the microcell into my kitchen, my iPhone struggles with itself to pick up the 2 bar distant tower that was the guilty party in dropping my calls... so now, in my house iPhone juggles between a 5 bar microcell and a 1-2 bar tower (which still drops calls). It also drops every call that I'm on if i leave my house during a call, or arrive at my house during a call.

    I have reset the network settings on iphone, to no avail...

    Before this week and the microcell experiment, I wouldnt have said this, but I honestly believe that the software that drives the phone is playing a huge part in how the phone handles tower switches, and thus is a culprit in the dropped call phenomena.

    I agree cause my blackberry Bold 9700 never drops calls and i am everywere in the northwest.

    Mar 11, 04:26 AM
    Sadly death toll rises to 29

    Having been in a big quake - I know how scary it is and hope that all their preparation helps.

    Apr 9, 10:46 AM
    And would you pay $40 for it? I'm guessing you would.

    Nintendo has really valuable IP that it would be wonderful to see on the iOS platform.

    Nope. But I'd pay $.99 - $4.99.

    Jun 5, 05:03 PM
    I am not a big fan of AT&T either but how come T-Mobile does better than AT&T , I do not know.

    AT&T is not THAT bad. I know it is better than T-Mobile at least.

    because they are german

    Aug 29, 12:10 PM
    I hate people who are soo stuck up Apples arsehole that rather than accept Apple are poor environmentally, still stick up for a computer company.

    It might not affect you, or the people on your street, or your city but somewhere in the world the impact of Apples actions are being felt.

    I'll accept its not just Apple but this site is about Apple so lets not compare or excuse to justify Apples actions.

    Big profits Big responsibilty

    Sep 29, 07:34 AM
    Oh. Great. Cool answer.
    But the wrong answer, unfortunately.

    MacsAttack's post about slightly higher latency as you add FB-DIMMs is correct.

    One FB-DIMM per channel is fastest, two per channel is slower, three per channel is even slower, and four per channel is slowest. The FB-DIMMs on a chain are in kind of a daisy-chain.

    The effect is small, as MacsAttack notes, and not important most of the time. You need a carefully crafted memory benchmark to see the effect clearly.